When a Blind or Visually Impaired person is introduced to competitive golf, barriers disappear.
Our Members journeys fuel our mission.
Our Jr Golf clinics and lessons leave a lasting imprint.
Membership provides Blind & Visually Impaired golfers to complete with others in the same sight categories.
Since 1953 the USBGA has served the Blind & Visually Impaired community
we strive to grow the sport by offering clinics to blind and visually impaired people and teach them the sport of blind golf.
The United States Blind Golf Association (USBGA) offers a great opportunity for golfers who are blind or vision impaired to play golf with others who have the same or similar vision loss. It has many benefits including: the chance to play golf and travel to spectacular places, meet some very interesting people and have a great time.
We play golf by the USGA Rules of Golf and the Modifications of the Rules of Golf for Golfers with Disabilities. This includes grounding the club in a hazard plus permitting the coach to stand in the line of play while the golfer is executing the shot.
The golfers compete with other golfers within their sight classification. The sight classifications include B-1 no vision, B-2 little usable vision and B-3 better usable vision. To be eligible to become a member of the USBGA you must have corrected vision less than 20/200 in both eyes. This must be documented on the USBGA/IBGA sight form by an Ophthalmologist or Optometrist.
Every golfer has a sighted person to assist them and we call these folks Coaches. The coach gives the golfer course description, gives correct yardages and helps with club selection and proper alignment.
The organization is always looking for new members, Volunteers, Coaches, Support members and people or businesses to be sponsors.
Members must meet the specific visual guidelines accepted by the International Blind Golf Association (IBGA) in order to compete in all USBGA and IBGA events. Prospective playing members must understand that a visual acuity of 20/200 will not qualify under the sight classification standards set by the IBGA. Visual acuity in best eye with best correction must be less than 20/200 i.e., 20/210 or below. For clarification of this standard, please contact us.
B-1 Classification – Totally Blind
No light perception, or light perception which is not functional, central or peripheral, with or without light projection, up to the inability to differentiate between a blank sheet of white paper and a sheet of white paper with a black symbol on it. The black symbol is displayed on the IBGA Sight Form and is used as part of the exam.
B-2 Classification – Vision Impaired
From the ability to recognize the shape of a hand up to the visual acuity of 20/600.
B-3 Classification – Vision Impaired
From the visual acuity above 20/600 up to visual acuity of less than 20/200.
Members: Members shall be classified hereinafter. Members shall have the privileges and obligations as set forth in these Policies and Procedures and By-Laws.
Full Members: must meet the specific qualifications of their membership classification and must be permanent residents of the United States.
The acceptance of membership into the USBGA shall bind each Member to uphold all the provisions of the Charter, By-Laws, Policies and Procedures and other rules of the USBGA and to accept the decisions of the Board of Directors (Board) acting within provisions of the By-Laws.
Associate Player Members meet the specific qualifications of their membership classification and are responsible for paying yearly USBGA membership dues. They may play in any tournament offered through the USBGA and are responsible for paying all associated tournament fees. Note: Associate Player Members may not vote in elections or run for office.
The DCP will have to declare their “Home Country” status by November 15th each year for the next calendar year.
The “Home Country” is responsible for submitting the DCP’s scores to the USBGA Handicap Chair / IBGA for establishing and maintaining their handicap.
If a DCP fails to comply with any of the conditions detailed here they cannot apply for Full Membership and may apply for an Associate Player Membership (ref I.A.1.c Exception above.
The DCP may NOT serve on the “Board” of their “Non-Declared Home Country.” In doing so, the DCP will forfeit their Full USBGA Membership rights.
If a DCP applies for membership to the USBGA, lives in the United States for 6 months or more a year, declares the United States as their “Home Country” and does not serve on the Board or hold elected office in their Non-Declared Home Country, they may apply for a Full Membership to the USBGA and may vote in elections, run for office and serve on committees provided they are in good standing with current membership dues and tournament fees.
Gender Policy: The USBGA will employ the policies of the LPGA and PGA as it relates to transgender athletes to provide the athletes an avenue to membership, an opportunity to participate in our events and in an effort to assure fair competition for all members and participants. Reference PGA of America Championship Gender Policy and the LPGA Gender Policy. If applicable, applicants will identify themselves during the USBGA membership application process.
Step 1 – Print the Sight Classification form completing all fields with your personal information then have your doctor fill in the required fields detailed in the sight form instruction sheet, sign and date the completed form. The visual acuity readings determine your sight classification and whether you qualify for membership. Mail the completed Sight Classification form to the address below.
Step 2 – Print, fill out and sign the Membership Application form OR complete the online Membership Application form.
Step 3 – If you printed out and completed the Membership Application form, mail it along with your completed Sight Classification form to:
US Blind Golf Association
c/o Membership Chair
125 Gilberts Hill Rd
Lehighton, PA 18235
Please do not enclose your $100 Membership fee check with your Membership Application and Sight Classification form.
Step 4 – The Membership Chair will review your application for accuracy then send your completed Sight Classification form to the IBGA for approval. The Membership Chair will notify the membership applicant if they have been approved and will instruct the new Member to submit their Membership fees.
Step 5 – Once your Membership Application is approved you have two ways to pay your Membership dues:
USBGA Treasurer
c/o Orlando Ramirez, Treasurer
1110 Jay Place
Melbourne, FL, FL 32940
Have questions on How to Join or other Membership questions? Email us
Have a question about your payment? Email treasurer@usblindgolf.org
If you would like to support our Association and become a Coach/ Support or Volunteer Member, you may submit your “Coach/Support or Volunteer” dues in one of two ways:
1) Online using PayPal:
Click the Membership Dues Drop Down menu and select the Coach/Support Member ($25.00) USD option.
In the Comments Box, provide your contact information (address, phone number and email).
Click on the “Add to Cart” button that brings you to the PayPal payment page
Click on the “PayPal Check Out” button if you have a PayPal account OR
Select the “Check Out” button to complete your transaction via Credit/ Debit Card using the PayPal Guest Checkout option.
2) Pay by Check:
If you wish to pay by check, make the check payable to “USBGA Membership.” Record your address, phone and email on your check.
Record your address, phone and email on your check made payable to USBGA.
USBGACopyright © 2021. All Rights Reserved.