What types of Memberships are available?


When a Blind or Visually Impaired person is introduced to competitive golf, barriers disappear.


Our Members journeys fuel our mission.


Our Jr Golf clinics and lessons leave a lasting imprint.


Membership provides Blind & Visually Impaired golfers to complete with others in the same sight categories.


Since 1953 the USBGA has served the Blind & Visually Impaired community


we strive to grow the sport by offering clinics to blind and visually impaired people and teach them the sport of blind golf.


What types of Memberships are available?



1. MEMBERS:  Members shall be classified hereinafter.  Members shall have the privileges and obligations as set forth in these Policies and Procedures and By-Laws.

Gender Policy:  The USBGA will employ the policies of the LPGA and PGA as it relates to transgender athletes to provide the athletes an avenue to membership, an opportunity to participate in our events and in an effort to assure fair competition for all members and participants.  Reference PGA of America Championship Gender Policy and the LPGA Gender Policy.  If applicable, applicants will identify themselves during the USBGA membership application process.

a.       FULL MEMBERS must meet the specific qualifications of their membership classification and must be permanent residents of the United States.

  1. The acceptance of membership into the USBGA shall bind each Member to uphold all the provisions of the Charter, By-Laws, Policies and Procedures and other rules of the USBGA and to accept the decisions of the Board of Directors (Board) acting within provisions of the By-Laws.

  1. Exception: ASSOCIATE PLAYER MEMBERSHIP:  Players from Central America and other Regional North American Countries that do not have sufficient players to form their own Member Association through the IBGA or a DCP who’s main residence is not the United States, may apply for an Associate Player Membership to the USBGA.
    1. Associate Player Members meet the specific qualifications of their membership classification and are responsible for paying yearly USBGA membership dues.  They may play in any tournament offered through the USBGA and are responsible for paying all associated tournament fees.  Note: Associate Player Members may not vote in elections, run for office or serve on committees.


  1. Exception: DUAL CITIZENSHIP PLAYERS (DCP) Players who have Dual US Citizenship and wish to apply for Full Membership with the USBGA will have to declare the USA as their “Home” Country and live in the United States for six (6) or more months a year.  Exception: Dual Citizen Players who were granted DCP status prior to August 2022 are grandfathered in for the six-month residency requirement.  The remaining requirements are still applicable to all DCP’s. 
    1. The DCP will have to declare their “Home Country” status by November 15th each year for the next calendar year.
    2. The “Home Country” is responsible for submitting the DCP’s scores to the USBGA Handicap Chair / IBGA for establishing and maintaining their handicap.
    3. If a DCP fails to comply with any of the conditions detailed here they cannot apply for Full Membership and may apply for an Associate Player Membership (ref I.A.1.c Exception above.
    4. The DCP may NOT serve on the “Board” of their “Non-Declared Home Country.”  In doing so, the DCP will forfeit their Full USBGA Membership rights.
    5. If a DCP applies for membership to the USBGA, lives in the United States for 6 months or more a year, declares the United States as their “Home Country” and does not serve on the Board or hold elected office in their Non-Declared Home Country, they may apply for a Full Membership to the USBGA and may vote in elections, run for office and serve on committees provided they are in good standing with current membership dues and tournament fees.

Why does my application and Doctor’s sight evaluation form go to the IBGA instead of the USBGA?

That is because the IBGA is our parent organization that officially determines potential members’  sight qualification and sight category placement.  Having a single organization makes every country equal in both placement and approval.  Then the individual countries run their organizations separately for events and tournaments, unless the IBGA is involved in sponsorship of a tourney, where they would again oversee the event with standardized international rules.

Who is qualified to join the USBGA?

Any person who has a visual acuity worse than or less than 20/200 in BOTH eyes.  Your vision cannot be correctable to be better than 20/200 with either glasses or contacts. Finally, you must be a U.S. citizen or have dual citizenship.  Associate Player Members from Central America and other Regional North American Countries that don’t have sufficient players to form their own IBGA Member Association are able to apply for an associate membership.

  1. Exception: ASSOCIATE PLAYER MEMBERSHIP  Players from Central America and other Regional North American Countries that do not have sufficient players to form their own Member Association through the IBGA may apply for Associate Player Membership to the USBGA.
  2.  Associate Player Members meet the specific qualifications of their membership classification and are responsible for paying yearly USBGA membership dues.  They may play in any tournament offered through the USBGA and are responsible for paying all associated tournament fees. Note: Associate Player Members may not vote in elections or run for office.

Do I have to be totally blind to play?

No.  The USBGA and the International Organization, the IBGA, both recognize 3 sight categories for players:  B1 – Totally Blind, B2 – Vision Impaired, and B3 – Vision Impaired.   Read more about the sight categories, rule modifications and guides here.

What are the benefits of becoming a member?

(list benefits here)